Why Solar Power Is an Efficient Energy Source

Solar Panel Installation

Long-Term Solar Benefits

The positive impact of solar energy systems on the environment is enormous. Solar energy is by far the cleanest energy available to consumers! Solar energy does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases when operating.

Today, people are more inclined towards solar energy. Switching to solar energy provides long-term benefits to people, the environment, the economy, and the electricity grid.

When we generate solar energy power by installing a solar power system in our homes, we can be part of the renewable energy revolution!

Your utility provider is switching to 100% renewable energy. But, the advantage of having your own power production station in your home is that your cost of power will not rise with inflation or with rapidly rising energy costs!

  • Lower Energy Costs
  • Low and Easy Maintenance
  • Long-Lasting
  • Reduce Gas Emissions and Carbon Footprint
  • Improve Public Health

Solar Power in NM

New Mexico gets more sun than many other states in the US, meaning a solar energy system will produce more in New Mexico than it will in other parts of the country. A high-producing system, in conjunction with the New Mexico state net metering mandate, means that there are massive energy savings in New Mexico.

New Mexico offers a very generous tax incentive for switching to renewable energy. And with these recent changes to the renewable portfolio standard, new incentives or rebates could start appearing in order to help utilities reach their zero-carbon emission goals.

Recently, Governor Grisham put a new state solar tax credit incentive into place. This has the potential to save New Mexico homeowners thousands on their solar panels.

NM Solar Power Facts

  • New Mexico has the cheapest form of energy in the Continental US
  • New Mexico has the best net meter program in the country
  • 50k-100,000 is the average lifetime savings
  • 5¢ kWh Levelized Cost of Solar Energy (15¢ and higher kWh If You Don't Get Solar)
Solar Panel Installation
Solar Panels

Connect With Our Team

For more information, reach out to our knowledgeable solar energy specialists. We are excited to work with you.